‪(612) 524-8208‬

Competitor Analysis Service

Sit back & relax while we will watch your competition

If you are spending hours upon hours a month checking your competitors websites to stay competitive we can give you your time back.  Eclipse Digital will setup an AI driven protocol that monitors your competition for you and provide you with customize reporting and updates when changes occur.  Talk to us about getting your time back.

Agency Infographic

Monitoring options based on your goals:

Visual Monitoring

Monitor web pages for any visual changes. Select a part of the screen or the whole page.

Technology Monitoring

Monitor changes to the tech stack or 3rd party scripts used on the web page.

HTML Element Monitoring

Monitor specific HTML elements or the content of any field for changes.

HTML Monitoring

Monitor changes to the tech stack or 3rd party scripts used on the web page.

Keyword Monitoring

Monitor web pages for the presence or absence of specific keywords.

Content Monitoring

Monitor the visible content on a web page for any changes.